Me and my Hubby

Me and my Hubby

Monday, February 9, 2015

Taylor Swift and Angry Orchard

So I know a lot of my friends and family are anxiously waiting to hear good news. And here it is... I will get to see Taylor Swift in October at the Georgia Dome. I can now drink alcohol and Coke without feeling guilty. I also can work out as hard as my body can handle. These are all things a not pregnant person can do. Unfortunately my urine test was negative this morning. I am sad but not devastated. I mean there was a reason that we were doing in vitro in the first place so the thought that an IUI would work was kind of out there to me. But I just kept thinking what a story to tell! Just the thought that we could save so much money and it happen "naturally". I actually started to believe it myself.  So now what do we do? The next month we can do IVF is April due to it falling during our California trip in March so we will shoot for April. I will restart birth control in March so we have one more cycle to pull off a miracle baby. Shoot the way things are going a baby period will be a miracle for me. So let's say a natural baby! No preservatives or fillers. If not, April will be the month for us! Thanks for the prayers and texts. We really appreciate your support.