Me and my Hubby

Me and my Hubby

Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor Day beach trip!!

I am loving my long weekend at the beach with my family! Such a great time of relaxation before all of the doctors visits and dog shows start in the next month! My clinic wanted me to come in last week to have a chat before our next cycle starts. All went well besides the fact she surprised me with a Pap smear and lots of blood work😛 but hopefully all comes back fine so we can get started. They do want me to have a saline sonography done that will make sure my tubes and all are not blocked off and I will be scheduling that this week. We are already maxed out on all the meds so it looks like I will be on the same protocol as before and just hoping for good quality eggs.
We are doing a 31 fundraiser online to raise money for IVF. I have sent out some invites on Facebook but if you haven't gotten one and want to order then let me know!! It is online so if you are out of state you are welcome to order through the Facebook event page. We are having one at my friends house later in September for my work friends but if you want to see something in person let me know and I will get you the details! Thanks everyone for your thoughts, prayers, and donations!!