Me and my Hubby

Me and my Hubby

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Zander Ray Vines... 18-26 weeks

Sorry for the absence from posting guys! I have so much to share in this post. Since the last post we have found out the sex of our little miracle. As you all know we are having a BOY. Yes I am guilty of being slightly disappointed but I have always had my heart set on a girl. The idea has sunk in and I love this little fella so much already! Here are a view of our little guy at our gender scan...

We also tried to do some gender reveal photos before we knew what we were having so we could go ahead and announce that day. The pictures did not go as planned. I guess that is what happens when you are dealing with dogs, even trained ones. We took some boy and girl photos. Loved how the ones of Taz announcing a sister was on the way, but due to it being a boy we couldn't use it. Had to still share this great pic of our handsome boy...

Tried to take some pics of the dogs announcing the gender with paw prints on my belly but they just ended up looking like big blobs on my belly and the paint ended up all over the dogs. It was worth a try though. We ended up announcing to our families over some good food at Texas de Brazil and the waiter brought out their drinks with penis straws. Very traditional gender reveal :D You would be surprised how long it took some of our family to figure out what it all meant. 

We are now at 26 weeks. Everything is going great. Not too many complaints. I have told many people if I could keep getting pregnant I would just stay this way. I love the feeling of Zander dancing around in my tummy. I have experienced few symptoms of pregnancy including some insomnia, terrible reflux that is getting worse and this heat is horrible. 100 degrees is not a pregnant lady's friend. My feet have swelled a few times at work but that is understandable. I went today for my glucose test. Like I suspected I failed by one point. Seriously... one point. So I go back next week for the lovely three hour test. I had kind of expected worse since I have eaten nothing but junk and sugar since January. I love ice cream and gummy bears. I have also had a craving for the cream filled caramel candies. We are working on the nursery in between hectic work schedules. We have the carpet ripped up and just waiting to hopefully get the walls painted by this weekend. Then comes the fun part of laying hardwood floors.