Me and my Hubby

Me and my Hubby

Monday, August 24, 2015

Starting to Pay off

I am happy to announce that we have finally paid off the first round of IVF!! Woohoo! Working extra hours, picking up two new jobs and really working on saving money has paid off! I am still making monthly payments on round two so it is showing awesome progress. I have a 31 party fundraiser coming up next month that I am really excited about and also my yard sale. I will probably shoot for early October for it since we have three dog events in September. We will be super busy! Cannot wait to see how the hard work with the dogs has paid off. We were really excited to get offer to breed Taz for the first time this weekend so we made a quick trip to Jacksonville, Florida to see what the stud can do. Also more money to go into our IVF fund. Super excited and nervous about this round. I feel like this will be it for a while. I have talked to a few people about adoption and feeling very drawn to that possibility if this  time is a fail. We will see. I cannot give up on the idea of carrying a child just yet. But on a lighter note, Taz may be becoming a father the same month Daniel will!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Are you there Lord?

Sometimes we all ask this question. I know I have the last couple of years! In church this morning, my Dad talked about even David and Jesus asked this question. Why have you forsaken me? In truth God is always there. He lets things happen to us, his distance seems far so that when he does answer we know it is him. He is always there and has his hands in all things. Sometimes he lets things go further than we think they should. It's not up to our plans. I have to remind myself of these things. I have had the pleasure of talking to so many great people due to infertility. I have started a whole business for myself because of infertility. I am getting healthy due to infertility. I am getting tougher due to infertility. All due to God. Don't get me wrong! I pray every day that I "fall Pregnant" ( I HATE that term). I pray multiple times a day that October is the month for us. Because I don't know how to handle it if it is not. I know God will get me through it. But you guys know I am a grudge holder.
I wanted to update you guys on our fundraiser efforts! In September two dear friends are going to help me out by doing a 31 party to help with our IVF funds. So be on the lookout for that! 31 makes great gifts and you can get some Christmas shopping done early! Beachbody coaching is going great! I never knew I had it in me to reach out to people and meet strangers, but I am glad I did. My coach Brynn is a fellow infertile myrtle and to see how she has transformed her life through coaching has amazed me and I hope to be a 1/4 of the coach she is. Going into my third month I have almost signed enough clients to secure my free ticket to the convention next year, but the month is young and I will make it! I have my first coach leading her first challenge group and signed her first challenger which is exciting for me to see! I am also gathering more stuff to have another yard sale hopefully in September when it cools down a little.
Next month I will start my birth control once again and start the process all over again. I would appreciate prayers for Daniel and I for strength and understanding. Pray for our schedule to fall into place so that we do not have to worry about work. I pray for every one of you guys daily. You have no idea how much everything you guys have done has impacted us! Love you!!