Me and my Hubby

Me and my Hubby

Sunday, April 3, 2016

First Trimester and Road Trips

Sorry I have waited all week to post! Between work and dog shows we have been super busy! I will start with the most important update! Baby Vines is doing well. Already stubborn like it's Daddy. I went for the First Trimester genetic screening this week on Tuesday. Baby Vines says, "Hello!! to all who have prayed for me!" 
 Heart Rate 162!
 Doctor was frustrated because Baby Vines did not want to cooperate. It turned every way but the way the doctor needed to do the test. He said from what he could see everything looked great. My blood work came back negative also. This test tests for Down's Syndrome and Trisomy 18 along with neural tube defects. They will do another blood test in a couple weeks that tests for some other defects. I go back to the doctor in two weeks!
How far along? 12 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? 2/3 pounds
Maternity clothes? No but loose fitting clothes
Stretch marks? no
Sleep? as much as i can
Best moment this week? Seeing Baby Vines waving at the camera
Miss Anything
? energy
Movement? No
Food cravings?Fish Fillet Sandwich from Mcdonalds and hot fudge sundaes
Anything making you queasy or sick? Tazikis and can add Olive Garden to the list
Have you started to show yet? I believe so! A tiny bump
Labor Signs? Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy, but tired
Looking forward to? April 12th next ultrasound! 
Our Family has also been busy on the road with our big babies. Two weekends ago we attended a Practical Protection Dog trial. We had some bumps in the road on the first day thanks to dealing with stubborn bulldogs, but the next day proved to be a lot better. Rose finished fourth all around and Taz scored the most point in the agility/food refusal portion.
The next weekend we drove to St Louis to attend the ABBA dog show (Alapaha bulldog show). We had such a great time touring the area and spending time with Daniel's parents! Taz won Adult Champion in the second show. He also passed his CAL 1 & 2. Rose won Top Alapaha in the Top Dog Competition and came in first amongst the females. We are so proud of them and when we do finally breed them we will have an all around perfect bulldog in there somewhere.

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