Me and my Hubby

Me and my Hubby

Thursday, March 17, 2016

10 Weeks and going strong!!

Look how big I am getting!!!

We are getting closer and closer to the end of the first trimester! If anything then I will be able to take some tums and ease this reflux maybe. Little bit is doing awesome! It's amazing how much he/she has grown in just a week! Its little head just popped out there. Or should I say big head! Today was my high risk OB appointment. Pretty much this jist is that I am very low high risk in their book. My cervix issue can not be dealt with until it rears its ugly head and they are hopeful that it won't. Since this pregnancy is au natural that puts me at even lower risk. Studies show that with a cold cone knife/Leep type procedure on a cervix that puts me at like a 20-30% chance of preterm labor depending on how much cervix was removed, but they said it is hard to really tell if that was the real cause of the early labor. She said that I would likely have a quick labor that a lot of times patients like me will go from 1 to 10 very quickly. So right now the plan is to go back in two weeks for my optional genetic screening (ultrasound and bloodwork only) and then in four weeks back to MFM. They said at fourteen weeks the chance of miscarriage diminishes drastically so that is our next milestone to hit! Thanks for the prayers!

How far along? 10 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? 2/3 pounds
Maternity clothes? No but loose fitting clothes
Stretch marks? no
Sleep? as much as i can
Best moment this week? Getting to see baby on Ultrasound
Miss Anything
? deer meat
Movement? No
Food cravings? Icees and milk shakes
Anything making you queasy or sick? Tazikis and can add Olive Garden to the list
Have you started to show yet? I believe so! A tiny bump
Labor Signs? Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy, but tired
Looking forward to? dog show season starting so we will be taking some trips the next few months so maybe it won't seem like forever between appointments. Off work for 14 days!!

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