Me and my Hubby

Me and my Hubby

Friday, October 31, 2014

A New Me

Alright so I haven't updated in a while. Things are kind of slow in the fertility world since we are waiting till January to do IVF. We will start drugs and do another trial transfer in December. It cannot get here fast enough. In the meantime, I am keeping myself busy with my family, fur babies and my friends. I am enjoying football season right now as an Alabama fan! Roll Tide! Daniel and I made a trip to Jacksonville to get some socialization work done with our "big" dogs. Rose and Taz had a blast meeting new people and new dogs! Taz even let a young girl hold him and handle him for a while at the show. So proud of where are dogs are heading. 

My newest way to stay busy is starting to work out at the gym. I have gained so much weight throughout this whole fertility crisis and to think that I will gain more during a pregnancy makes me worried about my health. I use to think that me at 150 was incredibly out of control and I am now at the 160 mark. So last week I made the first step and joined the gym. I have done this before and not seen great outcome. I have had a personal trainer and not seem any outcome. But this time, I have this idea of a sweet baby on the other end and I know I need to get in shape. I talked to a trainer who has had fertility troubles and she has agreed to help me through this at a safe pace. I do not want to mess up my cycles  and shock my body. I have enough issues. After having my goals blown out of the water I think this is the best thing to do. I came in thinking I needed to lose about 15 pounds, but after looking at the numbers, I need to lose over 20. So the steps to the fitter and skinnier Jennifer has begun. Daniel has agreed to help encourage me in the nutrition area and that we will begin to cook more at home. I have needed to do this for a while and hopefully I can stick to it! This past few weeks have been hard with many baby announcements and births. I love everyone that has made these announcements and I would not wish anyone to go through what I am. I am thankful for all of the births the last few weeks and though may have been rocky and not ideal everyone is safe and healthy. But my heart aches that I cannot experience this for myself. I am not mad at anyone or sad for anyone but myself. I love you all and glad that I can play with your little ones soon!

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