Me and my Hubby

Me and my Hubby

Friday, December 26, 2014

The christmas socks

So this has been a big week in the Vines household. We have been busy with the holidays and with appointments. We had our first appointment with this cycle of IVF. Tuesday was our trial transfer. We schedule another one because we have not messed around down there since August so we knew things would be tricky. We do not want any surprises when $$$ rests on my cervix. Some of this may get way personal, but sorry this is the life of a infertile myrtle. Let me also back up a little bit to say that I tested positive for the Flu on Thursday. Did not feel too horrible so was back to work on Saturday and work through to Monday. So like I said we have been busy. So after my personal training appointment Tuesday, we headed to the doctor. I had some new Christmas socks I had been saving to show off at my appointment, hoping they would bring me luck...
However they did not really do their job. They did look cute though! To say the appointment went terrible is an understatement. My cervix had decided to completely close up between now and August so they attempted to dilate it. However, my measly half of a Clonazepam was not helping me deal and it was unbearable. So they decided to try three shots of Lidocaine straight to the cervix before they took me to the OR to try there. Yes I said OR! Have you ever had a shot delivered to your cervix? I must say that it is one of those things you don't live through twice. Yes I am being dramatic, but I feel like I have PTSD from these appointments. So they finally get the catheter through and everyone cheers. It is believed that the next procedures will be smooth sailing so we shall see! The one positive I got from this appointment other than seeing my long lost doctors and nurses was getting my schedule for January! I just love having things down in writing. Makes it all so real. So here it is!!!

So yes all of this exciting stuff will be happening around my bday, so I will already be an emotional mess due to another birthday coming around without a baby, but the meds will make it just that much more real. So excuse me if I am a blubbering mess on the 21st. I am also going to try a new thing this time that I have found on pinterest. It is 31 days of prayer for infertility. I will try to post it every day just for those who are going through some of this too! Once again, thanks for keeping up with our journey! I have had so much encouragement it is overwhelming. 

When I decided to do a 31 Day series, I knew I wanted it to be something that would encourage and strengthen other women going through infertility. I thought about what I struggle with and what I could do to ease the burden of this journey- even a little bit. I realized I needed to do a series on prayer because it’s something I struggle with. My prayers regarding my infertility usually go like this: “Dear God, please give me a baby. Please let this treatment work. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. Amen.” There’s nothing wrong with a prayer like that; those types of prayers have their place. But I want my prayers to be more than a checklist of things I hope God gives me. I want to learn more about who God is and, most importantly, deepen my relationship with Him. Each post will consist of a Bible verse, a brief meditation on the day’s topic, and some suggested Scriptures for further study. I’ll also be including a free prayer journal printable for you to record your prayers and insights.
I hope you’ll join me in seeking God during the next 31 days!

Day 1: Pray for Patience

“This vision is for a future time.  It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled.  If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place.  It will not be delayed.” – Habakkuk 2:3 (NLT)
Praying for patience is scary.
By definition, patience assumes a wait. So by asking God for patience we’re surrendering to the wait. I don’t like waiting.  I want what I want- right now! But Habakkuk 2:3 tells us that God’s vision for our life will happen on His timetable.
God is not running late. Everything is going according to (His) schedule. He knows it may feel slow to us, but He promises He’s not delayed.
He asks us to wait patiently. To trust that He what He has planned for us will actually happen.
As you pray today, ask God to help you wait patiently for His plan to be fulfilled.

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