Me and my Hubby

Me and my Hubby

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Good-Bye Birth Control!

Yes I know it sounds strange but I have been on birth control for about a month and a half.
You’ll be on birth control pills from 14 to 21 days. Taking these may seem counterproductive, however they do an important thing. They help get your hormones under some kind of exact control in the cycle just before your actual IVF cycle. Using them has proved to also reduce your chances of Ovarian Hyperstimulation and ovarian cysts, therefore increasing your chances for a successful IVF. 
As I learned the last cycle, the BCP is the start of the craziness. I have been so emotional since I have started them. I am not sure if it is a mental thing knowing that we are about to start the process again, but geez!! How was I on these things for 5-6 years. Maybe that explains a lot of my craziness during those years. So yes today is my first day off the pills. I will go for a baseline ultrasound Friday morning to make sure everything looks calm in there. Super excited to start my relationship back with the vaginal ultrasound machine. It is seriously terrible. And Sunday is the magic day as the start of stims (injections.). This time I will be giving two injections each night for a little while. Until things start looking impressive.
To help take my mind off of all the fun, today started my celebration of my birthday! I got to eat with my sweet friend Ginger at Brio! My trainer will not be happy to know that I have meals lined up all week to celebrate me!! I also have really been trying to put effort into my diet. I tried avocado for the first time this week in guacamole and tomorrow I will be drinking a smoothie with a whole avocado in it.
Eating avocados and dressing salads with olive oil could help women trying to have a baby through IVF, researchers claim.
Foods typically eaten as part of the Mediterranean diet may triple the chances of success for women having the fertility treatment.
A study found monounsaturated fat – found in olive oil, sunflower oil, nuts and seeds – was better than any other kind of dietary fat for would-be mothers. Those who ate the highest amounts were 3.4 times more likely to have a child after IVF than those who ate the lowest amounts.
In contrast, women who ate mostly saturated fat, found in butter and red meat, produced fewer good eggs for use in fertility treatment.
US experts behind the study believe monounsaturated fats – which are already known to protect the heart – could improve fertility by lowering inflammation in the body.

I will be updating more frequently as the week goes on! Stay tuned to check out my new socks for my ultrasound on Friday!!

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