Me and my Hubby

Me and my Hubby

Friday, January 29, 2016

New Year, New Perspective

The bond you form with your fertility doctor is usually something special. They are just as disappointed about negative results as your family and friends. They become family. So it was really difficult to arrive at the decision to get a second opinion. Our doctor suggested Dr. Steinkampf and we were hesitant at first. But we were so impressed by him today. He spent more than an hour going through every bit of paperwork and history that he could dig up. He was caring and had fresh ideas. He gave us hope, which I had ran out of. We wanted an honest opinion and though some of his stuff he wants to try makes us nervous, we were sent to him for a reason. He told me, "Do not give up on your eggs just yet. I want to get you pregnant." So his plans are... 1. We will start with doing IUI's with injectable meds. He feels like we should give this option a fair shot. We only completed one IUI with injections before and due to the painfulness of the IUI's and my cervix we quickly swapped to IVF. He feels that he can use a different type of catheter that should take my stenotic cervix out of the equation. 2. On that note, he isn't worried about my cervix. He believes that UAB is a more conservative practice and wants to go higher on all the meds to help create better and more eggs for retrieval. 3. If we do get to the point of IVF he believes that we shouldn't do ICSI. He feels this could be causing harm to the eggs and possibly causing them to arrest in development. 4. He drew an AMH level since I have never known it but he feels that with my labwork he has seen that my ovarian reserve isn't diminished. I just do not respond well to the meds. So next month we will be doing artificial insemination with 225mcg of gonal-f. I am excited to get back at it and hopefully get pregnant!

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