Me and my Hubby

Me and my Hubby

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Stepping it On Up

After a couple months on medication, we decided to increase our efforts and start doing IUI's or artificial insemination. They would take Daniel's sample and using a catheter place it directly inside where the eggs are. I researched and most sites said this was uncomfortable, but not painful. Of course, in my case things are different. After my surgeries and the scar tissue this procedure was extremely painful. So much so that the doctors prescribed me meds to sedate me (which did not help much). I was even encouraged to drink some alcohol afterwards to help ease the stress.  We started doing these almost every cycle starting in October. Our insurance does not pay for any of it and as the money and the pain started adding up,  I started asking questions of "What else is there?" Of course their answer was In Vitro. We began talking about it in February. I received the itemized list of the prices which made the defeat each month so much worse. Friends were having babies or announcing their pregnancy. I just kept asking why me? I have so much love to give and see so many babies that are born into horrible situations. 
So once again we decide to find something we can pour this love into. We had an awesome opportunity to purchase another dog for an ideal cost. This little pup came home with us in May and has been a blessing. Her name is Rose and is an easy distraction with the sweetest face. 

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer, I don't all the things you have gone through on this journey because Daniel is up front and I am in the back so we don't have much time to talk. I will be praying for you as you continue on your journey. I know you trust God's will for your life even though sometimes it might be the same things we want. I think you are very brave to share your story even though it may be painful. Sharing your story may help someone else who is going through the same thing and may think they are the only one. Thanks for sharing. Love you and Daniel. ;)
