Me and my Hubby

Me and my Hubby

Saturday, June 14, 2014

A quick catch up...

So obviously tons has happened since my last post. I got a job at UAB in the Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and absolutely love my job! I have now completed my Bachelor's Degree in Nursing. Daniel is still working at Weldon's Pharmacy. We now have four dogs (Yes we are crazy). We still have Bella and Zoe, but we have now invested in a new breed called Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs. That is what Taz and Rose are. We spend a lot of our time training them and going to dog shows. This just helps take our minds off of the real issue...Family. We always said that as soon as I got out of school and found a job, we would have babies. Because it's that easy right? As I found my job and started working around about thirty females a day, I figured out that it is not. I got this fear that maybe getting pregnant doesn't happen like it does in the movies. I realize now, two years later that for some people (and more than you realize) have to spend countless hours at the doctor and not to mention countless dollars just to receive nothing in return. Some of you may not want to read this. If not that is fine by me! It is personal and emotional, but there are people out there like me that just need to know that yes, there is someone else going through it too!

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