Me and my Hubby

Me and my Hubby

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Anticipation and Fear

The journey to our little one has officially ramped up. Two weeks ago I went in for some baseline lab work to be drawn again and to do the trial transfer required for In Vitro. All of this stress got me a little confused and my appointments mixed up. On short notice, my wonderful mother stepped in and went with me to the practice run. My nerves were crazy because I knew that it was not going to be pleasant. It is practically an IUI (which are nearly unbearable for me) in addition to another catheter going in to shoot saline in the reproductive tract to check for problems. The procedure went as well as they could have hoped and the doctors were optimistic about the upcoming events. Daniel also had to get some tests drawn to make sure his baselines were still strong. 
The next step is to start birth control with the start of my next cycle which should be this week. I am sure you are thinking Birth Control??? That is supposed to keep you from getting pregnant? I am not sure I get it completely myself, but it is supposed to make everything calm down and get on their schedule. They only do in vitro certain times and so I have to be on the right schedule in order for it to work. I have never been so excited about birth control because that means one step closer to have a little one of our own. 

A little update on our furry babies... we exposed Rose and Taz to a lot of water the past week. Taz has an absolute blast in the water. Rose could care less, but if it means not getting to play she will join in.

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