Me and my Hubby

Me and my Hubby

Friday, October 2, 2015

BCP Stands for...

Batsh** Crazy Person. Sorry for my french but the people who came up with this drug knew that and has been hiding it from us all along. When I was in high school and college I was extremely emotional, ask anyone who knew me then. Even had a stent on nerve pills and depression pills. When I came off to start trying to conceive I was healed. Now I am not saying I am not emotional at times. With this journey, things tend to get emotional. But you can ask my hubby, I feel like I have handled things rather well. Until it is time for the bloody birth control pill portion of the cycle. I hate it! I would rather give myself 4 shots a day than take these things. But unfortunately it is part of the process. And I started it this past weekend!! One step closer to making another Baby Vines! Thankfully this time I am not taking them nearly as long. I should start my injections on the 16th. I have an appointment on the 8th to do another trial transfer to make sure there are not any blockages that have occurred since March. Fun stuff!! Cannot wait to wear all the cute socks I have accumulated over the last couple months!
I also wanted to thank everyone that bough and supported from my Thirty-One party! We made $502 that will go towards paying for this next cycle. This is such a blessing for us and we cannot express all of the donations and help we have gotten this cycle. I will throw out there that my next yard sale is tentatively schedule for October 17th. It will be in Bagley at my mom and dad's house. I will advertise more when it gets closer.
We have definitely stayed busy with our fur children the past couple of weeks. We competed in our first PSA trial the second weekend in September. We set very high goals for the weekend and while we did not make them, we did learn things and accomplished some things throughout the weekend. We did learn our dogs are divas and do not like to sit or down in wet grass.

We also competed in an event last weekend that is meant to truly test protection dogs. Our dogs did okay. We still have so much to work on but Daniel had a great time. I was very disappointed that I missed showing the dogs in the ABBA event which is something that keeps me involved with them. I also just enjoy the company of my fellow Alapaha people! Cannot wait to hear next years show schedule so we can start planning on attending them. 

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