Me and my Hubby

Me and my Hubby

Friday, October 30, 2015

Last shot this cycle

So tonight was my last shot of this cycle. I am praying that it is my last shot of HCG I will ever need. This cycle has been a disaster. The devil has had his hand in this since the first birth control pill I took. I know that with God I can overcome any obstacle the enemy throws at me. He has made me feel like a failure. He has made me feel hopeless. He has made me feel angry. But I am working on holding my head high and allowing my heart to feel hopeful. We received the news that we had figured we would get on Thursday. Dr believes an IUI is our best bet. They do not seem very optimistic, but there is a chance this can work. It's better than completely giving up on this cycle because thanks to my hateful cervix, sperm cannot get in there the natural way. (Sorry TMI)
So tonight I gave myself my trigger shot which will make my body ovulate and Sunday morning we will be completing our 7th IUI. Yes 7th. Seven used to be my lucky number in sports so maybe this is it. Keep me in your prayers as I will have to wake Daniel up at 6 Sunday morning so he can do his contribution to the cause. Pray for good sperm count, a happy open cervix and a receptive follicle or two in there. Pray for our sanity as we complete yet another two week wait. Pray that we give a whole new meaning to Thanksgiving this year. 

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