Me and my Hubby

Me and my Hubby

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Baseline Ultrasound Day!

So yesterday was the official start to all this madness! I had a baseline estrogen check and ultrasound all before work in the morning. The office is very efficient about getting me in and out thankfully. We ran into a little road bump drawing blood thanks to my veins not wanting to show themselves. It seems like the more water I drink the worse they become. So once again the had to draw out of my hand (OUCH!!). The ultrasound went great and everything there looked good to go. She said I should be expecting a period any day now and hopefully it will be the last one for a long time!! I got a call later in the day telling my my estrogen level was 20 which was perfect and I am good to go to start shots tomorrow. So excited that this day is finally here! Tonight we are going to eat with my family at the Melting Pot for my Dad's and my birthday and I will celebrating a good first day of the process. I have to take these days one at a time and be happy for the positives, because I learned last time that there will be negatives and I have to stay stress free about those things! Also here are appointment #2 socks! Thanks everyone for your prayers and encouragements. It has touched me greatly of the amount of people who ask and care about mine and Daniel's journey to become parents. I welcome all of the tips and tricks and opinions.

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