Me and my Hubby

Me and my Hubby

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Easy Peasy

So today was the dreaded IUI (artificial insemination). In the past these have been barely short of torture. I have scar tissue from my previous surgery that closes up my cervix and makes this procedure extremely painful. I was excited, but very nervous. Daniel noticed that my doctors name wasn't on the door so that added to my anxiety. She had dealt with me enough to know my issues. We did however have our second favorite doctor and she rocked it! I felt no pain and it was quick and easy. I know there were prayers going up because we have not experienced a relaxing procedure during this whole ordeal until today. Daniel took me home so he could go to work. I hadn't been in the bed long when I started cramping so bad in my abdomen.  It was one of the worst pains i have ever felt. I panicked and was near the point of calling an ambulance. I took some pain meds, rubbed Dragon Time oil on my belly and got out my heating pad. The pain finally eased enough for me to nap a little. I am still very tender and hurting, but it is now bearable. I believe this is just a side of effect of ovulating with four large follicles. I will be started progesterone suppositories and estrogen twice a day tomorrow. So on to more hormones that not only make me crazy, but also feel pregnant. And in two week will come the pregnancy test! So keep praying and I will try to keep calm and relaxed for two weeks.  Here is also a pic of my precious socks that I wore for my appointment Monday!

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