Me and my Hubby

Me and my Hubby

Monday, August 4, 2014

Getting Very Nervous!!

As everything begins to get closer the butterflies are kicking up in my tummy!! The fear of getting this close and nothing working. I mean, where do I go from here if this doesn't work? I do not see me being able to convince Daniel that we need to spend that much money to try again. I was extremely optimistic about a week ago, even looking up different ways to announce pregnancy. Things have kind of hit a low point though. I am allowing myself to imagine the what ifs? My follicles not multiplying like they are supposed to just brought me down to earth. But like i have been told this week "it just takes one!" And that is true! I just really would be happy with a few to freeze jut in case! So my retrieval will be Wednesday morning at 8:45. I will take my last shot, the trigger shot Pregnyl, tonight. Finally!!! I will then take a doxycycline the night before and the morning of retrieval. So extra prayers will be appreciated this week. Transfer will depend on how the eggs do once they are retrieved.

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