Me and my Hubby

Me and my Hubby

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Looking for the golden egg

So today was the day that we may have began the process of finding our baby. We had to be at doctors office at 7:15 for an 8:45 procedure. I, of course, told Daniel we needed to be there at 7 so we would possibly get there on time. As soon as we get there they pull Daniel and I into opposite directions. I go into the prep area to put on a beautiful hospital gown and to get my iv started. Daniel went with the nice Chinese lady to give his contribution to the whole process :) we also signed our consents and got the rundown on my meds for the rest of the week. I will take Medrol 16 mg started tonight once a day x 5 days, baby aspirin daily, estrace 2mg two times a day and starting 48 hours after retrieval progesterone vaginal suppositories daily until I'm about 10 weeks pregnant.
It was not long and they come to get me! I get really emotional before procedures and hope to get some versed sooner rather than later. The anesthesiologist tells me that I will not be completely asleep during retrieval and that I will fell some stuff but shouldn't remember it. This instantly scares me to death! I don't want to feel anything! However after I got the first dose of sedation I did not know anything until I woke up in recovery. Everything went really well. They retrieved a grand total of NINE follicles!! Which is much better than the original four! I am in a lot more pain than I thought I would be. Horrible cramps and nausea. I have managed to sleep almost all day in hopes to feel well enough to work tomorrow. I need to save my days off the best I can. The doctors will call me tomorrow to update me on how things a re growing  we decided to do a procedure called ICSI which is where they place the sperm directly into the egg in case there is a issue with fertilization. So they were going to do this part this afternoon. We will be doing the transfer on Monday with the best egg that has made it that far! So we are looking for one that is just right!! thanks for your prayers! I know that God is in control of all of this. It is definitely hard to not worry and be stress free but when I remember that he's got this then a peace falls over me.

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