Me and my Hubby

Me and my Hubby

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Prayers are greatly appreciated!!!

Tomorrow is the big day!! We will be going in at 11am for our embryo transfer. So this means that tomorrow I could be officially pregnant! Super exciting and nerve racking for us. We spent the afternoon at our best friends house celebrating their twin's 8th birthday party. Daniel and I had that moment where we thought, "Are we ready for this????"

Some may ask what exactly will go down tomorrow... here is the rundown. I am supposed to come in with a full bladder. They are requiring me to drink massive amounts of water to help with this. This will help them see transfer via abdominal ultrasound.  I will also take my trusty Xanax beforehand due to past horrors with IUI's (artificial insemenation). I have a lot scar tissue that re-forms EVERY month and causes them to have to dilate my cervix with a metal dilator. (Yes, a torture device). The past few times have definitely been easier, but they are not pain-free like most blogs or pages say for me.  They will pick the best embryo and place it into a catheter. They will place the catheter up past my cervix. There they will release our sweet little egg. It will be nice to have a little time off to relax and worry (because of course that is what I will do).  I know that it is all in God's hands.  Hopefully we can eat a nice lunch tomorrow and rent a movie and veg out on the couch with our house of dogs. I pray that God give us both the patience with the doctors tomorrow and with each other. I know I probably should not pray to God for a baby. I should pray for his will, but I REALLY want a baby. I ache with need of a child of my own and I want it now to be honest.  Today our friends told us that they are planning to take the twins to DisneyWorld next May and I have always said I would go with them. I am a Disney Freak. I would go every year. When Anna said May and said she counted down and figured I would be having a baby that month, there was not even a part of me that was sad. (And turning down Disney is usually a HUGE SAD FACE) I am just so ready to have my life radically changed by a baby. I do not mind being up all night and having  to work the next day. I am a pretty selfish person, but I am ready to put it all aside and be completely selfless.
Okay enough rambling! I am going to go to sleep so that I can get pregnant tomorrow!! I will update when we get home!! Thanks for the prayers.