Me and my Hubby

Me and my Hubby

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Trying to Stay Positive

I have had a little bit of a hard time today. I went and had an ultrasound Thursday morning. The doctors said everything looked good, but small. There were only three follicles that I could see and we want there to be about 10-15 good ones. I do not get very much information from the doctors. I have been reading all these number on other blogs like 16mm follicles and estrogen of 1005, but I do not really get any of that unless I ask. I usually get the generic, "everything looks good." which is great, but going through this I need numbers to compare things too. I know all cases are different, but these numbers give me a goal to achieve. So they told me my estrogen was 561 on Thursday. Some of the things I have read said they usually want it to be around 3000 to retrieve eggs so I have a little ways to go. They told me to continue giving my shots like I have been and to come back Saturday morning. Well, working all weekend makes this a little more difficult. I have great coworkers who do not mind staying and helping out though! So this morning I went for the second ultrasound and came out disapointed. I only had about 4 larger follicles all at around 16mm which is a decent size. However it is not the 10-15 we wanted. They said that they would like me to keep giving shots and come back in the morning. They are hoping that the smaller ones will grow big enough to be retrieved also. My estrogen was 1584 so it is staying on track and increasing like they want it to. If things keep progressing we are looking at retrieval on Wednesday!!

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