Me and my Hubby

Me and my Hubby

Sunday, April 19, 2015

When I needed a hand, I found your paw

 I am sure that some people roll their eyes and think "another dog picture?!?" on my Facebook or instagram page. But until that is all you have, you don't understand. These are our children.Zoe and Bella have been there through the death of our first love Vega. They were sad and licked our tears away as we made the decision to let her go to doggy heaven. Daniel had always wanted an Alapaha so we figured that was the perfect time. Taz came into our lives right after my first surgery for the pre cancer on my cervix. He gave me sweet puppy kisses when I was hurting and scared. He filled the hole in our hearts as we longed for a child. We had fun learning and stressing over how to train a dog of this size. We then had a wonderful opportunity to add to our family with Rose. She joined our family after we decided that IVF was going to be the way we had to go. I never wanted another big dog after Vega. I love my little dogs and they are much easier to manage. But these bulldogs have seriously pulled me in. Yes we take them everywhere because they enjoy being with us and trying new things. Training, traveling and showing has given us a distraction from the longing and depression of not getting pregnant. This weekend I took Taz to the Mutt Strutt at the UAB campus. We had a great time even though we got rained on a little bit. It was a fun way to get some exercise and to get out of the house.
 I had my ultrasound today after 7 days of stim drugs. My ultrasound Last week went great so I was anxious to see how things were progressing . Left ovary is still being dramatic and slow, but the right side looked great. My estrogen was 1750! To put it in perspective, last round at this point my estrogen was only 748 i think so much much better. We need higher estrogen because that means there are more eggs. So right now I will do another round of shots tonight and go back in the morning for more blood work and ultrasound. The prediction today was that I would do the trigger shot tomorrow night and will do retrieval on Wednesday. The trigger shot is given about 36 hours before retrieval because it induces ovulation in that timeframe. I am so thankful for God letting us get this far in the process. Things have just worked out so well this time and I can feel everyones prayers. It is amazing the response I have gotten from the blog and the people that I do not even know that have sent me encouragement!

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